March 17, 2009
DePauw-Tennis & Track Center - Greencastle, IN
200m (Flat)

Boys' 1600 Meters

1 Michael Callison Senior North Daviess 3:14.7 4:30.5
2 Daniel Wells   First Baptist Christain S 4:52.09 4:46.36
3 Noah Droddy Senior Int'l School of Indiana 4:22.64 4:48.61
4 Ben Wilson Senior Greencastle 4:44.4 4:53.2
5 Joseph Schmitt Senior Avon 4:29.2 4:55.9
6 Aaron Belcher Junior Mooresville 4:03.50 5:04.37
7 Cliff Marr Junior Martinsville 4:00.81 5:08.73
8 Eli Dannemiller Junior Martinsville 5:26.70 5:11.14
9 Scott Weston Junior Greenwood Community 6:15.68 5:15.69
10 John Lawson Junior Crawfordsville 4:51.63 5:16.99
11 Caleb Tatlock Sophomore Greenwood Community 4:01.69 5:18.01
12 Nick Angermeier Senior Mooresville 5:31.30 5:18.55
13 Isaac Smith Freshman Greenwood Community 6:06.92 5:19.06
14 Ben Hendricks Sophomore Brownsburg 6:28.23 5:23.52
15 Adam Teeters Sophomore Indian Creek 5:02.18 5:24.92
16 Ryan Stevens Freshman Greencastle 5:02.20 5:24.94
17 Brendon Widau Freshman Avon 6:29.39 5:29.99
18 Bradley Miller Sophomore Brownsburg 5:04.59 5:34.71
19 Ryan Haddan Sophomore Indian Creek 5:21.83 5:35.24
20 Grant Churchill Senior Int'l School of Indiana 6:30.73 5:36.83
21 Drew Taylor Senior Avon 5:41.40 5:38.02
22 Ryan Talley Senior White River Valley 5:34.08 5:40.89
23 Andrew Scanlon Junior Indianapolis Cardinal Ritter 6:43.38 5:41.84
24 Jacob Clark Junior Cloverdale 4:27.23 5:47.05
25 Tim Poe Freshman Brownsburg 6:47.47 6:03.81
26 Chris Reel Senior White River Valley 5:38.19 6:11.63
27 Max Manning Sophomore Cloverdale 5:50.19 6:16.54
28 Jerry Minnick Sophomore Indian Creek 6:39.26 6:16.66
29 Noah Flaniken Freshman Int'l School of Indiana 5:57.11 6:36.78
Boys' 1600 Meters Section 1
1 Michael Callison Senior North Daviess 4:30.5 5:24.5 5:21.8
2 Daniel Wells   First Baptist Christain S 4:46.36 5:55.09 4:17.73
3 Noah Droddy Senior Int'l School of Indiana 4:48.61 3:27.80 4:08.21
4 Ben Wilson Senior Greencastle 4:53.2 4:15.0 4:32.6
5 Joseph Schmitt Senior Avon 4:55.9 4:02.6 6:21.7
6 Aaron Belcher Junior Mooresville 5:04.37 4:52.20 5:59.16
7 Cliff Marr Junior Martinsville 5:08.73 4:16.25 6:13.57
8 Eli Dannemiller Junior Martinsville 5:11.14 3:50.25 5:01.81
9 Scott Weston Junior Greenwood Community 5:15.69 5:59.89 5:06.22
11 Caleb Tatlock Sophomore Greenwood Community 5:18.01 4:49.39 4:33.49
13 Isaac Smith Freshman Greenwood Community 5:19.06 4:40.78 4:08.87
17 Brendon Widau Freshman Avon 5:29.99 7:02.39 4:14.10
18 Bradley Miller Sophomore Brownsburg 5:34.71 4:11.04 5:31.37
25 Tim Poe Freshman Brownsburg 6:03.81 7:42.04 6:14.73
Boys' 1600 Meters Section 2
10 John Lawson Junior Crawfordsville 6:48.92 4:38.96 5:16.99
12 Nick Angermeier Senior Mooresville 5:47.22 4:40.33 5:18.55
14 Ben Hendricks Sophomore Brownsburg 6:05.58 5:55.88 5:23.52
15 Adam Teeters Sophomore Indian Creek 6:23.41 4:13.44 5:24.92
16 Ryan Stevens Freshman Greencastle 6:42.93 4:16.71 5:24.94
19 Ryan Haddan Sophomore Indian Creek 3:58.02 7:05.76 5:35.24
20 Grant Churchill Senior Int'l School of Indiana 4:32.84 4:02.52 5:36.83
21 Drew Taylor Senior Avon 4:33.80 4:10.14 5:38.02
22 Ryan Talley Senior White River Valley 5:34.08 5:51.12 5:40.89
23 Andrew Scanlon Junior Indianapolis Cardinal Ritter 5:35.01 6:02.35 5:41.84
24 Jacob Clark Junior Cloverdale 4:13.35 4:34.17 5:47.05
26 Chris Reel Senior White River Valley 6:41.36 5:04.74 6:11.63
27 Max Manning Sophomore Cloverdale 6:57.96 6:20.31 6:16.54
28 Jerry Minnick Sophomore Indian Creek 5:42.76 5:23.93 6:16.66
29 Noah Flaniken Freshman Int'l School of Indiana 6:09.01 6:28.85 6:36.78