February 27, 2010
DePauw-Tennis & Track Center - Greencastle, IN
200m (Flat)

Boys' 800 Meters

1 Darius Berry Senior Butler 2:31.10 2:03.07 2:37.19 2:01.85
2 Ryan Dickson Junior Zionsville 1:32.88 2:41.91 1:45.43 2:05.51
3 Sam Berger Sophomore Zionsville 2:17.38 2:17.38 2:33.76 2:06.03
4 Zachary Mahone Junior Lawrence North 2:36.66 2:02.27 2:27.74 2:07.36
5 Austin Mudd Junior Center Grove 2:20.47 2:35.80 2:11.54 2:07.70
6 Neal Tardy Junior Noblesville 2:00.49 1:57.93 2:41.51 2:08.18
7 Isaac Smith Sophomore Unattached 2:16.79 2:27.21 1:36.40 2:10.27
8 Sean Hurd Junior Unattached 2:15.01 1:46.17 1:56.66 2:11.07
9 Parker Settle Senior Center Grove 2:00.23 2:10.80 2:49.12 2:12.12
10 Graham Bixler Sophomore Zionsville 2:41.40 2:34.78 1:55.10 2:12.29
11 Carson Bishop Junior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:06.53 1:37.23 2:50.47 2:13.18
12 Kyle Bays Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 1:56.64 2:47.59 1:48.60 2:14.07
13 Ryan Meyer Junior Center Grove 2:10.38 1:50.22 2:23.82 2:14.41
14 Shawn Thomas Junior Butler 1:47.59 2:31.97 2:29.28 2:14.48
15 Nick Fiegle Sophomore Edgewood 2:11.47 1:56.56 2:42.64 2:15.53
16 Ben King Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:18.02 1:35.66 2:18.02 2:16.65
17 Naeem Turner-Bandele FR Unattached 2:00.46 1:46.77 2:20.99 2:16.88
18 Cole Romanyk Junior Zionsville 2:20.01 2:30.99 2:44.72 2:17.26
19 David Myles Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:22.08 2:00.98 2:08.01 2:20.67
20 David Bruce Sophomore Butler 2:04.32 2:26.92 2:02.91 2:21.27
21 Jacob Stachler Senior Zionsville 2:34.78 2:47.68 2:20.45 2:23.31
22 Bryan Hyde Sophomore Terre Haute North Vigo 2:33.81 2:54.12 2:30.91 2:25.10
23 Joe Krehbiel Senior Judah Christian 1:42.19 2:31.82 2:46.42 2:25.98
24 Andrew Harder Junior Zionsville 2:24.20 2:10.82 1:51.50 2:28.66
25 Deon Walton   Arlington TC 2:01.70 2:49.45 3:14.09 2:34.04
26 Rusty Umble Junior Int'l School of Indiana 2:29.03 3:05.88 1:52.17 2:40.24
27 Steve Sissom   Greenfield-Central 2:49.38 2:25.44 2:38.33 3:04.10
Boys' 800 Meters Section 1
1 Darius Berry Senior Butler 1:47.23 2:38.41 2:12.82 2:28.66 2:01.85 2:06.73
2 Ryan Dickson Junior Zionsville 1:51.71 1:36.65 2:41.91 1:55.47 2:05.51 2:25.60
3 Sam Berger Sophomore Zionsville 2:17.38 1:54.69 2:43.84 1:52.17 2:06.03 1:55.95
4 Zachary Mahone Junior Lawrence North 2:29.02 1:34.25 2:08.64 1:29.16 2:07.36 1:58.45
5 Austin Mudd Junior Center Grove 2:19.20 1:29.39 2:21.75 2:28.14 2:07.70 1:33.23
6 Neal Tardy Junior Noblesville 2:10.75 2:33.82 1:56.65 1:47.68 2:08.18 2:12.03
7 Isaac Smith Sophomore Unattached 1:57.25 1:59.85 2:08.97 2:25.91 2:10.27 2:15.48
8 Sean Hurd Junior Unattached 1:59.28 1:44.86 2:39.91 2:11.07 2:11.07 1:50.10
10 Graham Bixler Sophomore Zionsville 2:17.59 2:13.62 2:20.23 2:10.97 2:12.29 1:45.84
11 Carson Bishop Junior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:17.18 1:49.21 1:57.20 2:47.81 2:13.18 2:35.82
13 Ryan Meyer Junior Center Grove 1:34.09 2:37.26 1:46.19 2:39.95 2:14.41 2:53.39
14 Shawn Thomas Junior Butler 2:31.97 2:40.04 1:52.97 1:51.62 2:14.48 2:13.14
17 Naeem Turner-Bandele FR Unattached 2:10.04 2:12.78 2:27.83 1:50.88 2:16.88 1:50.88
20 David Bruce Sophomore Butler 2:32.58 2:14.21 2:02.91 2:35.40 2:21.27 1:41.72
22 Bryan Hyde Sophomore Terre Haute North Vigo 2:42.52 2:03.34 2:28.01 2:52.67 2:25.10 2:59.93
Boys' 800 Meters Section 2
9 Parker Settle Senior Center Grove 1:47.02 2:20.05 2:12.12 1:58.91
12 Kyle Bays Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:46.25 2:24.80 2:14.07 2:22.12
15 Nick Fiegle Sophomore Edgewood 2:38.57 2:48.06 2:15.53 2:50.77
16 Ben King Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 2:54.92 2:23.49 2:16.65 1:45.22
18 Cole Romanyk Junior Zionsville 1:52.56 1:55.30 2:17.26 2:32.36
19 David Myles Senior Terre Haute North Vigo 1:45.51 3:02.87 2:20.67 2:27.71
21 Jacob Stachler Senior Zionsville 1:58.95 1:44.62 2:23.31 3:06.31
23 Joe Krehbiel Senior Judah Christian 2:15.77 2:43.50 2:25.98 2:04.09
24 Andrew Harder Junior Zionsville 3:11.78 2:34.61 2:28.66 1:57.45
25 Deon Walton   Arlington TC 3:14.09 2:00.16 2:34.04 1:53.99
26 Rusty Umble Junior Int'l School of Indiana 3:23.51 2:37.04 2:40.24 3:25.11
27 Steve Sissom   Greenfield-Central 3:16.99 3:09.63 3:04.10 3:13.31