March 3- 5, 2016
East Tennessee State-Memorial Center - Johnson City, TN
280m (Flat)

Women's Distance Medley Relay Finals

1 Aquinas Melissa Winchester, Marissa Ingersoll, Sydney Anderson, Adri Sigafoose 12:48.31 9:27.26 11:58.04 8:36.99 14:07.29 8:51.35 10
2 Carroll Macala Fifield, Marisa Sanchez, Sandy Torres, Leah Esposito 13:03.26 12:27.33 11:58.58 8:58.94 15:19.79 10:17.98 8
3 College of Idaho Lila Klopfenstein, Nichole DeGrange, Tiana Thomas, Amy Pfaff 13:40.33 8:23.71 11:59.58 11:16.41 14:09.11 12:57.15 6
4 St. Francis (Ill.) Ashlee Knott, Daryll Rodriguez, Lesley Lopez, Brooke Johnson 15:01.12 13:27.40 12:00.89 10:48.81 9:00.67 10:48.81 5
5 Southern Oregon Kayle Blackmore, Aspen Abbott, Jessie Rozario, Jessa Perkinson 14:56.90 14:56.90 12:03.30 11:27.14 15:11.36 13:08.40 4
6 Biola Lyndee Dawson, Emily Heisinger, Alisa Murray, Kellian Hunt 15:33.94 10:15.39 12:03.98 14:21.54 10:15.39 14:07.06 3
7 Oklahoma City Niamh O'Connor, Alexis Metoyer, Sheridan Hoyer, Sarah Moore 12:46.44 8:52.86 12:09.94 11:40.75 15:12.43 13:30.24 2
8 Doane Marissa Moore, Kalyn Brannagan, Sarah Kottwitz, Marissa DeWispelare 9:33.37 13:28.59 12:15.08 14:56.80 9:48.07 8:41.91 1

Women's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries

1 College of Idaho Amy Pfaff, Nichole DeGrange, Mishal Cotugno, Lila Klopfenstein 10:20.71 12:01.75 13:35.58 9:30.19 15:23.84 9:37.40
2 Carroll Samantha Mundel, Marisa Sanchez, Macala Fifield, Leah Esposito 13:57.50 12:01.98 15:38.58 12:45.30 12:30.86 15:16.92
3 Aquinas Melissa Winchester, Marissa Ingersoll, Sydney Anderson, Adri Sigafoose 14:19.16 12:01.98 9:52.03 9:01.49 15:31.36 13:35.84
4 Oklahoma City Niamh O'Connor, Alexis Metoyer, Sheridan Hoyer, Sarah Moore 13:00.38 12:02.57 10:43.09 11:48.12 8:33.03 8:33.03
5 Southern Oregon Kayle Blackmore, Aspen Abbott, Jessie Rozario, Jessa Perkinson 13:39.15 12:04.91 8:34.69 14:37.15 10:01.68 8:41.94
6 Doane Marissa Moore, Addison Woodward, Sarah Kottwitz, Marissa DeWispelare 15:04.06 12:09.08 13:07.41 15:47.81 15:40.52 14:49.48
7 St. Francis (Ill.) Ashlee Knott, Catherine Crosson, Lesley Lopez, Brooke Johnson 14:02.00 12:12.17 8:32.52 9:53.06 12:19.50 12:04.85
8 Biola Kellian Hunt, Emily Heisinger, Alisa Murray, Lyndee Dawson 15:31.83 12:13.72 14:33.13 11:37.04 9:39.64 10:08.99
9 Morningside Morgan Applegarth, Eleka Joseph, Payton Boer, Tiffany Shepherd 13:38.34 12:17.24 12:39.36 8:36.07 14:07.83 12:02.50
10 Indiana Wesleyan Angel Osladil, Machaela Mertz, Isabel Wharton, Sarah McBeath 12:18.12 12:18.12 12:55.03 11:48.60 14:38.37 14:08.84
11 Taylor Jane Hawks, Kaitlin DeHaan, Rachel Blagg, Alexandra Berends 10:29.26 12:20.30 12:27.71 10:21.86 13:19.53 15:47.59
12 St. Xavier Nicole Watkins, Rachal Brooks, Deandra Stokes, Ellie Willging 8:46.65 12:21.76 9:01.49 11:15.01 13:13.69 10:45.34
13 Dordt Erika Douma, Joscelyn Wind, Kayla Byl, Nicole Slater 14:56.07 12:33.00 9:02.16 13:55.83 12:55.59 9:24.75
14 Cornerstone Cathy Coryell, Megan Quick, Joy Reist, Audrey Tremaine 10:56.85 12:35.00 10:04.00 11:57.25 12:57.65 12:12.35
15 Westmont Ali Johnson, Taryn Phipps, Alexandria Adams, Jessica Meyers 14:51.97 12:42.36 11:10.88 9:16.53 12:11.87 10:17.52
16 Trinity Christian Ashley Jourdan, Emily Dykstra, Anna Spotts, Megan DeWeerd 11:16.55 12:48.80 12:56.49 12:10.36 11:54.99 12:18.05
17 Northwest U. Cassidy Brown, Kaisa Hall, Shandon Lystad, Lily Engelbrekt 12:21.84 12:52.75 10:18.20 14:25.48 14:40.94 10:25.93
18 Marian (Ind.) Sarah Wieser, Lindsay Nichols, Anna Dudley, Rachel Dever 12:21.13 13:00.13 16:46.37 12:05.52 10:24.11 11:57.72
Women's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 1
1 College of Idaho Pfaff, DeGrange, Cotugno, Klopfenstein 12:59.49 10:35.14 12:01.75
4 Oklahoma City O'Connor, Metoyer, Hoyer, Moore 8:40.25 13:43.73 12:02.57
5 Southern Oregon Blackmore, Abbott, Rozario, Perkinson 14:08.15 13:17.41 12:04.91
6 Doane Moore, Woodward, Kottwitz, DeWispelare 12:23.67 12:30.96 12:09.08
8 Biola Hunt, Heisinger, Murray, Dawson 8:40.95 15:02.48 12:13.72
9 Morningside Applegarth, Joseph, Boer, Shepherd 14:00.46 10:26.66 12:17.24
11 Taylor Hawks, DeHaan, Blagg, Berends 8:53.02 15:32.78 12:20.30
14 Cornerstone Coryell, Quick, Reist, Tremaine 12:35.00 9:26.25 12:35.00
15 Westmont Johnson, Phipps, Adams, Meyers 15:30.08 11:49.00 12:42.36
Women's Distance Medley Relay Preliminaries Heat 2
2 Carroll Mundel, Sanchez, Fifield, Esposito 12:01.98
3 Aquinas Winchester, Ingersoll, Anderson, Sigafoose 12:01.98
7 St. Francis (Ill.) Knott, Crosson, Lopez, Johnson 12:12.17
10 Indiana Wesleyan Osladil, Mertz, Wharton, McBeath 12:18.12
12 St. Xavier Watkins, Brooks, Stokes, Willging 12:21.76
13 Dordt Douma, Wind, Byl, Slater 12:33.00
16 Trinity Christian Jourdan, Dykstra, Spotts, DeWeerd 12:48.80
17 Northwest U. Brown, Hall, Lystad, Engelbrekt 12:52.75
18 Marian (Ind.) Wieser, Nichols, Dudley, Dever 13:00.13