March 18, 2008
DePauw-Tennis & Track Center - Greencastle, IN
200m (Flat)

Girls' 1600 Meters

1 Renee Masterson Senior Beech Grove 4:09.32 6:35.03 6:15.60 6:09.12 4:28.75 6:47.98 5:23.79
2 Amanda McMahon Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana 7:00.5 7:14.6 5:18.9 5:39.9 6:32.5 6:04.5 5:50.5
3 Jennifer Hughes Junior White River Valley 4:12.20 6:34.29 7:34.67 4:44.17 5:44.56 4:29.96 5:55.21
4 Sara Lucas Senior Avon 5:14.52 6:12.36 6:01.51 4:13.06 6:44.90 7:24.66 6:01.51
5 Megan Moser Junior Brownsburg 5:30.67 4:31.89 7:24.57 6:44.16 5:52.72 4:24.54 6:07.41
6 Felecia Barger   Greencastle 5:42.12 5:19.56 7:12.35 5:27.08 5:34.60 7:53.70 6:15.95
7 Laura Westercamp Junior Greenwood Community 6:29.33 5:40.20 4:43.50 5:55.31 8:07.61 5:36.42 6:17.99
8 Olivia deJong Senior Mooresville 5:14.10 7:07.63 8:04.39 6:41.14 7:30.34 7:26.55 6:18.43
9 Megan Tuttle Freshman Greenwood Community 7:54.2 6:15.6 6:49.7 7:12.5 7:12.5 5:26.2 6:19.4
10 Paige Downey Freshman Mooresville 4:59.78 8:01.92 4:48.39 4:40.80 7:23.97 4:59.78 6:19.46
11 Tiffani Footman Freshman Indianapolis Northwest 5:18.05 4:47.40 6:30.86 7:05.34 6:30.86 7:58.99 6:23.19
12 Katie Binhack Sophomore Indianapolis Cardinal Ritter 8:07.54 8:11.41 5:40.50 7:52.06 7:24.97 7:40.45 6:26.93
13 Jessica Wyatt Freshman Martinsville 6:23.71 6:35.34 8:04.48 6:23.71 5:02.32 8:23.86 6:27.58
14 Samantha Sears Junior Avon 6:08.92 6:39.98 4:39.60 7:49.88 6:28.33 5:22.32 6:28.33
15 Jasmine Dillard Sophomore Indianapolis Northwest 5:11.01 7:27.08 5:11.01 6:09.33 7:30.97 6:32.65 6:28.76
16 Nicole Hurst Freshman South Putnam 7:26.87 6:19.65 7:30.83 7:18.96 5:55.92 5:16.37 6:35.46
17 Tori Rito Freshman Martinsville 5:59.00 6:52.03 7:28.75 7:40.99 5:26.36 7:20.59 6:47.95
18 Ashley Kirchhoff Senior Avon 8:18.61 8:35.09 6:35.59 8:35.09 5:50.26 8:43.33 6:52.07
19 Taylor Newman Freshman Greencastle 8:16.84 7:51.79 8:25.19 5:42.36 5:46.54 4:52.26 6:57.51
20 Amanda Lund Sophomore South Putnam 6:34.04 7:28.54 8:56.57 8:06.26 5:18.59 9:04.95 6:59.19
21 Jessica Brown Freshman Greencastle 8:55.57 9:21.70 5:17.86 7:06.72 7:19.78 5:22.21 7:15.42
22 Rachel Ball Freshman Mooresville 8:57.22 6:21.83 6:17.39 7:01.79 6:17.39 7:10.66 7:23.98
23 Emily Zimmerman Senior South Putnam 7:54.63 8:52.75 6:22.61 10:19.92 7:44.94 9:31.49 8:04.31
  Nicole Inman Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana NT NT NT NT NT NT NT
Girls' 1600 Meters Section 1
1 Renee Masterson Senior Beech Grove 4:35.23 5:07.60 4:51.42 5:46.46 5:23.79
2 Amanda McMahon Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana 5:39.9 5:36.4 7:35.6 6:11.5 5:50.5
3 Jennifer Hughes Junior White River Valley 5:05.48 7:16.91 5:05.48 4:54.83 5:55.21
4 Sara Lucas Senior Avon 6:41.28 5:14.52 5:57.90 7:02.97 6:01.51
5 Megan Moser Junior Brownsburg 5:01.28 5:27.00 6:47.83 4:20.87 6:07.41
6 Felecia Barger   Greencastle 5:12.04 7:16.11 4:30.69 6:00.92 6:15.95
7 Laura Westercamp Junior Greenwood Community 5:17.52 5:17.52 5:32.64 8:07.61 6:17.99
13 Jessica Wyatt Freshman Martinsville 6:39.21 6:43.09 7:29.60 5:29.45 6:27.58
14 Samantha Sears Junior Avon 6:32.22 5:06.78 5:49.50 6:43.87 6:28.33
17 Tori Rito Freshman Martinsville 6:27.56 8:09.54 5:42.68 7:49.15 6:47.95
18 Ashley Kirchhoff Senior Avon 4:56.69 7:53.88 7:41.52 5:25.54 6:52.07
  Nicole Inman Sophomore Int'l School of Indiana NT NT NT NT NT
Girls' 1600 Meters Section 2
8 Olivia deJong Senior Mooresville 6:29.79 6:18.43 5:40.59
9 Megan Tuttle Freshman Greenwood Community 6:34.5 6:19.4 5:56.6
10 Paige Downey Freshman Mooresville 7:01.20 6:19.46 8:01.92
11 Tiffani Footman Freshman Indianapolis Northwest 6:07.87 6:23.19 4:55.06
12 Katie Binhack Sophomore Indianapolis Cardinal Ritter 7:55.93 6:26.93 7:40.45
15 Jasmine Dillard Sophomore Indianapolis Northwest 7:50.40 6:28.76 4:47.69
16 Nicole Hurst Freshman South Putnam 5:16.37 6:35.46 5:16.37
19 Taylor Newman Freshman Greencastle 7:51.79 6:57.51 6:28.29
20 Amanda Lund Sophomore South Putnam 6:50.81 6:59.19 6:42.43
21 Jessica Brown Freshman Greencastle 5:39.63 7:15.42 6:49.30
22 Rachel Ball Freshman Mooresville 6:30.71 7:23.98 9:06.10
23 Emily Zimmerman Senior South Putnam 9:36.33 8:04.31 6:51.67