March 23, 2019
Indiana-Gladstein FH - Bloomington, IN
200m (Banked)

Girls' Distance Medley Relay

1 West Lafayette Ellie Tate, Lauren Thomas, Haley Mansfield, Emma Tate 15:14.00 10:01.72 12:41.66 9:16.02 9:16.02 14:43.53 15:36.85 20
2 Guerin Catholic Isabelle Museck, Emily Zlatniski, Grace Vlasak, Ellie Schroeder 9:42.40 12:25.47 12:56.53 16:33.96 11:38.88 9:11.34 16:26.20 16
3 Brebeuf Jesuit Katie O'Donnell, Madeline Keller, Zoe Simmons, Kate Ricks 13:53.64 10:15.49 12:59.10 15:34.92 14:17.01 9:20.96 11:33.40 12
4 Cardinal Ritter (Indianapolis) Mary Anna Wehrle, Jenna Gruber, Hannah Wells, Mariah Wehrle 10:18.31 15:00.06 13:02.66 12:07.88 11:36.57 14:44.41 15:54.85 10
5 Ft. Wayne Concordia Lutheran Abby Mays, Adison Smith, Natalie Witmer, Ellie Cates 14:56.42 10:05.48 13:06.33 16:38.64 16:07.19 16:07.19 9:10.44 8
6 Hamilton Heights Abigail Roth, Morgan Guthrie, Abby Christiansen, Maria Mitchell 11:46.98 16:25.01 13:14.36 11:46.98 12:26.70 12:58.48 16:56.78 6
7 Oak Hill Selah Jackson, Ireland Dodson, Kinzie Robey, Mollie Gamble 12:03.06 17:16.38 13:23.39 17:16.38 16:12.11 12:19.12 16:52.28 4
8 Ft. Wayne Bishop Luers Sarah Busch, Hannah Hawkins, Leah Hall, Kathryn Heiny 18:00.51 13:59.48 13:51.16 17:02.33 9:58.44 12:44.67 13:17.92 2
9 Batesville Trysta Vierling, Carley Pride, Katie Olsen, Elizabeth Loichinger 10:15.27 15:56.16 13:51.44 17:19.30 15:22.90 12:53.24 13:43.13 -
10 Woodlan Lydia Dyer, Abbey Gentz, Morgan Moore, Myah VanCamp 15:45.90 13:56.11 14:04.55 12:48.54 14:21.44 14:13.00 15:54.35 -
11 Christian Academy of Indiana McKenna Cavanaugh, Callie Crouse, Abigail Nash, Ashlin Owen 13:26.63 13:35.12 14:09.08 16:33.43 13:01.16 15:33.99 15:59.46 -
12 Barr-Reeve Delaynie Grove, Chloe Knepp, Rachael Wilson, Katie Wagler 12:28.38 12:02.87 14:10.43 17:26.03 14:27.44 11:03.34 17:43.04 -
13 Indianapolis Bishop Chatard Mayan Stickel, Maria Christoff, Jaeden Crawford, Alex Gantz 13:11.25 10:12.58 14:10.80 12:28.71 9:55.56 12:03.18 18:09.03 -
14 Greensburg Emily Mangels, Sophie Nobbe, Emma Hatton, Brenner Hanna 14:37.87 11:04.80 14:12.30 13:12.64 9:56.61 14:37.87 17:36.86 -
15 Wheeler Emily Gaylord, Sarah Gerbick, Shelby Stevens, Hailey Orosz 15:37.53 11:47.41 14:12.30 14:20.83 15:20.49 13:12.64 10:47.75 -
16 Andrean Lilli Greiner, Jordenne Hudson, Angela Jones, Nicole Cespedes 14:23.54 15:40.49 14:14.99 13:15.14 18:05.84 10:24.15 13:15.14 -
17 Randolph Southern Harley Shinn, Deserae Harrison, Mattie Hale, Leah Keesling 16:21.05 15:55.24 14:20.57 11:19.85 10:45.43 12:20.09 16:21.05 -
18 Heritage Christian Yasmine Pallekonda, Audry Chitwood, Greta Hunsaker, Lydia Sarver 18:33.31 10:55.91 14:23.03 14:05.77 10:38.65 17:41.53 12:13.58 -
19 Elkhart Christian Academy Adaline Russell, Precious Swen, Emma Gruet, Bridgett Deardorff 17:33.86 14:41.10 14:23.82 15:41.57 12:48.80 11:56.97 15:58.84 -
20 Seeger Jennifer Romero, Kaileigh Pruitt, Libby Smith, Allison High 18:23.21 14:00.54 14:35.56 16:46.90 17:21.92 12:15.47 13:25.52 -
21 Lapel Lauren Smith, Zoe Freer, Paige Rich, Noelle Loller 11:04.76 18:19.07 14:46.34 14:02.03 12:42.26 14:28.62 11:40.21 -
22 Monrovia Arielle Collins, Ashley Trudeau, Madison Payne, Emma Gaston 11:23.29 14:03.02 14:47.38 14:47.38 13:09.77 11:49.91 11:14.41 -
23 Bellmont Autum Meyers, Princess Davis, JoLynn Hockemeyer, Mia Singleton 15:26.03 19:10.52 15:35.38 13:52.49 18:33.11 15:44.74 19:10.52 -
Girls' Distance Medley Relay Section 1
10 Woodlan Dyer, Gentz, Moore, VanCamp 16:36.57 17:35.69 17:44.14 10:58.75 11:32.54 14:04.55 -
11 Christian Academy of Indiana Cavanaugh, Crouse, Nash, Owen 17:41.35 10:28.32 14:34.56 16:58.90 14:43.05 14:09.08 -
12 Barr-Reeve Grove, Knepp, Wilson, Wagler 10:54.84 15:26.97 17:09.02 18:08.55 16:09.49 14:10.43 -
16 Andrean Greiner, Hudson, Jones, Cespedes 10:49.80 13:23.69 13:23.69 14:40.64 15:14.84 14:14.99 -
17 Randolph Southern Shinn, Harrison, Hale, Keesling 16:03.84 15:46.63 15:03.60 15:55.24 17:29.90 14:20.57 -
18 Heritage Christian Pallekonda, Chitwood, Hunsaker, Sarver 15:40.71 17:41.53 18:41.94 11:39.06 18:07.42 14:23.03 -
19 Elkhart Christian Academy Russell, Swen, Gruet, Deardorff 12:57.44 12:48.80 18:25.69 18:42.97 10:39.23 14:23.82 -
20 Seeger Romero, Pruitt, Smith, High 14:09.30 10:30.41 15:01.83 14:18.05 14:00.54 14:35.56 -
21 Lapel Smith, Freer, Rich, Loller 15:39.52 14:02.03 11:04.76 11:57.94 12:33.39 14:46.34 -
22 Monrovia Collins, Trudeau, Payne, Gaston 14:03.02 10:38.92 13:45.27 18:02.61 12:52.02 14:47.38 -
23 Bellmont Meyers, Davis, Hockemeyer, Singleton 16:22.15 13:05.72 16:59.57 19:29.23 18:42.46 15:35.38 -
Girls' Distance Medley Relay Section 2
1 West Lafayette Tate, Thomas, Mansfield, Tate 11:48.35 16:22.55 11:25.50 15:44.46 12:41.66 10:24.57 20
2 Guerin Catholic Museck, Zlatniski, Vlasak, Schroeder 12:17.71 11:07.82 13:35.36 13:35.36 12:56.53 16:26.20 16
3 Brebeuf Jesuit O'Donnell, Keller, Simmons, Ricks 11:41.19 12:12.36 9:36.54 16:21.67 12:59.10 11:48.99 12
4 Cardinal Ritter (Indianapolis) Wehrle, Gruber, Wells, Wehrle 9:07.87 11:13.09 16:41.81 11:52.22 13:02.66 16:57.46 10
5 Ft. Wayne Concordia Lutheran Mays, Smith, Witmer, Cates 9:41.89 14:24.97 12:50.61 16:07.19 13:06.33 15:04.28 8
6 Hamilton Heights Roth, Guthrie, Christiansen, Mitchell 14:33.80 11:39.04 13:30.25 12:10.82 13:14.36 16:40.90 6
7 Oak Hill Jackson, Dodson, Robey, Gamble 15:39.97 10:10.58 14:03.56 11:06.82 13:23.39 11:38.95 4
8 Ft. Wayne Bishop Luers Busch, Hawkins, Hall, Heiny 15:14.28 14:16.10 10:56.62 11:13.24 13:51.16 10:23.37 2
9 Batesville Vierling, Pride, Olsen, Loichinger 14:24.70 14:41.33 18:00.88 13:59.76 13:51.44 17:02.68 -
13 Indianapolis Bishop Chatard Stickel, Christoff, Crawford, Gantz 16:01.41 16:35.44 14:10.80 17:17.98 14:10.80 16:18.42 -
14 Greensburg Mangels, Nobbe, Hatton, Hanna 11:47.41 10:56.28 10:05.14 15:29.01 14:12.30 16:37.19 -
15 Wheeler Gaylord, Gerbick, Stevens, Orosz 15:54.58 17:11.29 17:45.38 12:30.03 14:12.30 10:22.18 -